LearningReviews makes it fast and easy to find free quality educational websites, apps, and games. I designed the site for for K-12 teachers, students and parents to find resources to improve learning. For ten years, we’ve been identifying and reviewing the best free educational websites and apps.
You are invited to participate on LearningReviews.com by rating and reviewing the listed websites:
- Is the content of the educational website or app useful and engaging?
- Is it easy to navigate?
- How did you use it in the classroom or at home?
Your reviews will help all of us to sort the jewels from the clunkers. You can help us to learn how to use them effectively.
Have you found a great new free site or app not listed in our directory? Your suggestions for new websites and apps to add to the directory are equally important.

About the Founder
I am Heidi Reina, M.S. Ed., an educational technology integrator and web developer. I write educational website and app reviews to make sense of the wealth of free interactive learning content online. I also teach coding to teens, using project based learning. Follow me on Twitter and Google+.