Last updated: October 6, 2022
Get college and career guidance and information with these 50+ free websites and apps designed for kids and teens. Learn your aptitudes and career preferences. Prepare for SAT & ACT tests. Learn about applying for college and paying for it.
Didn’t finish high school or are your homeschooled? Find free resources to practice for your high school equivalency tests in GED, HiSET, or TASC. Learn about your state’s requirements for a high school equivalency diploma.
Whether college-bound or not, you may want to become an entrepreneur. Discover free resources to learn how to start and run your own business.
Recently Added College & Career Sites & Apps

Youth Entrepreneurship Academy – Free Curriculum for K-12 Teachers
The Youth Entrepreneurship Academy is a six-pronged extensive curriculum with lessons in foundational values, entrepreneurial mindset, economics, marketing, business finance, and applied principled entrepreneurship. YE Academy partners with businesses to provide funding to help schools implement this curriculum. Each prong ...

College Scorecard
- The Scorecard provides the clearest, most accessible, and most reliable national data on college costs, graduation rates, typical debt levels, and post-college earnings. It is available to help students make informed choices about attending college.
- It is primarily designed ...

Career Interest Game
This game, designed for high school and college students, helps you match you skills and interests with careers. Career possibilities are based on interests grouped into six areas referred to as the "Holland Code" because they were developed by Dr ...

O NET OnLine Occupations and Careers
O*NET provides tools high school students and adults can use to learn more about careers that would fit them best. You can browse occupation groups by those with the brightest outlook, similar industry, field of work, etc. There is a ...

College Affordability and Transparency Center
Use these five tools to learn how much it will cost you to attend different colleges, how fast costs are going up, and why costs are going up. The U.S. Department of Education provides a Transparency Center where you can ...

Independent Youth
Learn how to start and run your own business with the webinars and information provided on this site. The webinars are presented by teen entrepreneurs and include topics such as idea to product development, business leadership, and how you can ...

STEM Girls+ Career Exploration
The Girls, Math & Science Partnership's mission is to get girls, ages 11-17, interested in STEM and STEM careers in math and science. The site has activities, games and videos to engage girls in current science, and help them understand ...

Students, parents and career advisors will find resources here to identify your interests, explore careers, get work experience, and find education opportunities ...

Work & Career
From site: Are you looking for a job or thinking about changing careers? Do you want to advance from your current position? If so, you're in the right place!
From job interview questions and tips to writing the winning resume, we've ...
From job interview questions and tips to writing the winning resume, we've ...
From site: Majortests helps you prepare for the SAT by giving you free practice tests. You don't need to register or create usernames and passwords. Our questions are developed by test prep professionals.
We have hundreds of SAT practice questions ...
We have hundreds of SAT practice questions ...

Quizlet SAT
Quizlet has thousands of sets of flashcard games you can use to study SAT vocabulary and math skills ...

Engineering Go For It – eGFI
This interactive website provides colorful and inspiring print and digital magazine for students to explore careers in engineering. For teachers, there are lesson plans and resources on engineering careers. Note that at this time, the interactive portion for students doesn't ...

Ology – Kids Explore Careers in Science
Ology provides kids entertaining information and activities about careers in science. It was designed to help younger children to become acquainted with the "ology" careers ...

Careers Video Archive
This collection of 20+ videos highlights a broad range of careers for students as their make important life choices. Each video follows someone working in occupations as diverse as corporate event planner, auto service and parts director, ROV pilot, carpenter and oceanographic ...