Google Sky Map app

Android app – Point your mobile device at any point in the night sky and this app will tell you about the stars, constellations, planets, galaxies using GPS and compass data.  You can also use it to find the current location of stars and planets in the night sky.  A very educational app for students who are not astronomy-savvy and especially for those who are.

Planets of the Solar System

General reference for the planets and our solar system, including images, interactive solar system model, up-to-date solar system news, facts, and data.

Astronomy Topics

Astronomy Topics, based on the film Seeing in the Dark, provides in-depth information about Saturn, Mars, Pluto, the life cycle of stars, Orion Nebula, Andromeda Galaxy, gamma-ray bursts, extra-solar planets, and light pollution. Several of the topics include clips from the film.


NASA App is a free space exploration app for the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. It provides a wealth of customizable information, images and video of space exploration and shuttle sighting opportunities. There are also free NASA apps for Android and Kindle Fire.

Astronomy – Our Place in Space

The interactives on Astronomy OLogy help kids learn the principle ideas about astronomy, explore the stars and planets, learn more about Mars and the sun.
