Ageless Learner Assessments

Ageless Learner has several assessments: learning styles, motivation styles, direction style, engagement style and more. These assessments are best suited to high school students and adults. Conner also includes excerpts from her books that explain the background to learning styles. And she offers some tips for study techniques adapted to your personal learning style.

VARK: A Guide to Learning Styles

VARK stands for Visual, Aural, Read/Write, Kinesthetic. The site’s VARK Questionnaire for Younger People is a 16-question interactive inventory of learning styles, best suited to middle and high school students. Unlike other questionnaires, you select all of the answers that describe you in a question, rather than just the best one.

Based on the student’s answers, the results may well be a multi-modal learning preference. Learning strategy descriptions and suggestions are provided for each of the styles. Although copyrighted, this VARK inventory is free for use in student or faculty development as long as attribution is given. It is helpful to read the Introduction to VARK and about the VARK Modalities.

Learning Styles Quiz

Education Planner offers a 20-question interactive learning styles quiz tailored to middle and high students. Following the quiz, the student gets a description of his or her learning style in terms of percentage for visual, audio and tactile learner styles.

The site also provides suggestions for techniques to use in the classroom and at home to become a better learner, based on the student’s predominant style. The student has the option to view background and suggestions for all learning styles, as they often have a mix of styles.
