Engaging Congress Game and App

In this game, students use primary source documents to explore the basic tenets of representative government and the challenges they face in today’s society.  In the process, students learn how to evaluate primary sources for key details and differing viewpoints.

There are seven games to choose from as of this writing.  In the first, Fair is not Alway Equal, students learn about federalism and states’ rights.  The second game, Laws and Sausages,  explores the separation of powers among the branches of government, and the ways in which the lines of separation are often blurred.

The third game, A Balancing Act, is all about the federal budget and who exerts the power and influence on how the dollars are spent (or overspent).  In the fourth game, More Equal than Others, students delve into who influences the political process, how they do it, and why.  The fifth game,  Voting Rights, explores voter shenanigans and mudslinging to influence voting.  Students also learn about historical obstacles to voting, such as the poll tax and gender.

The Executive Branch explores how presidents have assumed powers usually reserved for Congress, often through the use of Executive Orders and troop deployments.  In the final game, The Judicial System, students learn how politics can intervene between Congress and the Judiciary, and result in a struggle for the balance of power.

The games incorporate quizzes and pop trivia questions.

This site includes an extensive teacher toolbox with resources for incorporating the games into classroom instruction.

Engaging Congress is available as an online game, as well as an Apple or Android app.

