Estuary Education Resources

From site:   Welcome to Estuaries.Gov where we aim to advance estuarine and coastal literacy. Explore these living classrooms and laboratories – our estuaries -, discover their importance and beauty, and learn what you can do to protect them.

Estuaries.Gov helps educators bring the beauty and the importance of estuaries into classrooms and educational programs. This site provides, primarily, an avenue for elementary, middle and high school students, and their teachers, to learn more about estuaries, research, and explore NOAA’s “living laboratories” – the National Estuarine Research Reserves.

Estuaries.Gov delivers scientific information and real-time data in a meaningful form for anyone interested in estuaries – or simply in need of a reliable resource. It provides current information on a variety of educational and stewardship related opportunities offered at local estuarine research reserves, and the most recent research results of estuarine science. Volunteers working on coastal or estuarine related issues; formal or informal educators; parent’s looking for supplementary materials; home-schoolers; students; representatives of non-profit, after school programs, private conservation, or other community groups who are interested in estuarine and coastal issues are all among those who can also benefit from the information presented on
