Origami Resource Center

From site: This origami resource center provides information about the art of paper folding. We provide links to diagrams, databases, book reviews, and ways to be a part of the paper folding community.

In Japanese, the word ā€œoriā€ means ā€œto foldā€ and the word ā€œkamiā€ means ā€œpaperā€. So, ā€œorigamiā€ means ā€œto fold paperā€. But thereā€™s more to origami than its name. Where did it come from? Were the Japanese really the first people to fold paper? Why do we think of paper cranes when we think of origami? Who folds paper and why do we still do it?
Learn the answers here. The resources include school projects and origami and kirigami for kids.

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