
From site: 

Launched in 1996, Poets.org is the award-winning website of the Academy of American Poets. Visitors to Poets.org will find thousands of poems as well as hundreds of poet biographies, essays, interviews, and poetry recordings —with new material being added constantly. Also available are resources such as the National Poetry Map, a national events calendar, and poetry lesson plans for teachers. Poets.org receives a million visitors each month, making it the most popular site about poetry on the web.

Poets.org also allows visitors to create their own anthologies of content from our site. Log in and create a Notebook, then fill it with text and audio to make your own poetry library on the web. Visitors are invited to stay in touch by signing up for Poets.org Update, a free, monthly e-mail newsletter that will inform you of new content on the site, as well as provide poetry news and information. We also offer a free Poem-A-Day email during April, National Poetry Month.
